Saturday, October 11, 2014

Google's version of 'My Wednesday afternoon in London (24th September 2014)'

It's interesting how Twitter and Google can get smart about what we do - telling us that we've got a good eye in the case of twitter look what Google's done about me and my 24th September which is quite nice to my mind.

Here's the background, Google + Stories is apparently is able to pick out your photos and organise them into a pictorial  journal.
Google say that it will "weave your photos, videos and the places you visited into a beautiful travelogue," 
Stories are created automatically when users who back-up their photos and videos to Google+ return from a trip . The tool relies on Google's Auto Awesome and landmark detection tools, as well as a user's location history and the 'geotags' of individual photos. It will be able to automatically find the best photos from your library, tag images with city names, and display the names of restaurants, hotels and other places  you visited
So there you go.
'Do you think Google will rate us as Auto -Awesome or just rough?'

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