Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Making pretty on plot 202 and more planting

I try and keep an eye out on what other allotment plot holders have done to enhance their plots and felt  a deficient  on the frivolous (perhaps) side - I've got some daffodils and generally add some sunflowers.
One pound bargain

The other day in the pound shop I was on a mission to get a piece of trellis and a climbing rose as I thought it could make a nice addition.

After a bit of fixing, and wood protection plus digging I'd managed the majority of the project I've put  compost at roots but need to add further fixings hopefully it'll survive and there'll be some nice bright blooms in the next years or so.

A coat of preserver applied
The one pound rose dug in.

'Strimmer' Battery search.

For my garden strimmer that I use tro keep the paths in order I've been searching for a spare rechargeable battery.
To date Robert Dyas (where I bough the tool) have only been able to give me a small amount of help, telling me that the units were imported from the USA (from Rank Sharp) - Rank Sharp  deal with Chinese producers but so far no update  from them  - if you've got any ideas do let me know.
Strimmer label
The battery

More planting

Peas and Broccoli will soon be ready to be planted out and I've got Courgettes and Kale started now but still lots more to plant - for some reason the water down on the plots has not been turned on so will wait until this happens before a mass planting.

They'll be planted out soon

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