Sunday, September 18, 2016

More Beat and Red 44

So today sees the last day of Ealing Art Trail (BEAT) for 2016 and I hope those behind the escapade feel satisfied with what they've achieved  - to get 50 venues with well over 100 participants involved is quite something.
Orchard Café/OPEN Ealing

It's been interesting to see how people have engaged and 'got' the idea - making conversations and talking about things that impact them.

The Three biggest  biggest challenges for any operation like this are to my mind,

Getting the message out  - here BEAT has produced great guides, the right size with useful maps

Feedback forms and balloons 

Highlighting the locations - Posters and balloons heave helped with this


Getting feedback - Always a struggle I'm sure there'll be refinements made

Another from Gordon

At the Orchard Cafe we've been especially fortunate to have a place that some visitors already know and have four of us attracting different parties - it's helped having Gordon Cookson doing demonstrations and having a range of tactile artefacts for sale.

From where I'm sitting (and  sometimes standing) I'd say there's little doubt that there's real demand for the initiative and hopefully it'll be back in 2017 bigger and better.

Come and Get your Free Postcards at Orchard Cafe Today!


[Don't forget OPEN House is on too - it provided a popular image for me that you can see at Orchard Cafe!]

Red 44

Well I've had two wheelers and four  wheelers this is the three wheeler spotted outside  the local Waitrose yesterday  morning.

Stable and energy efficient 

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