Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Projects always projects and Red 56

A few mounted prints for sale
Well Ealing's first BEAT (Art Trail)  weekend  is only a few days away and I'm thinking that I need to do a few things ahead of the Friday set up - busy mounting prints (for sale) and want to make some sort of Notice too.

And Next

I'd like to create a book to go with project 2 as well.
As I get closer to the end of my first 365 (or 6) project my mind is moving to new projects one of the thoughts is an idea of collecting images of 365 front doors in different roads starting at a No.1- this front door triggered my interest - I've got another idea but it's more ambitious and will take a lot of work but I think it could be really good.

I'm going to spend some time tidying up and documenting the first project and working out what I can commit too.

In fact I was really touched to reply from Noah Scalin (Mr 365 Creativity Journal) when I mentioned that another project was potentially in the air he was supportive and enthusiastic.

Red 56

Three tables outdoors while the London weather is still reasonable bedecked in Red.

Eat out while you can

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