Saturday, October 08, 2016

Helen Marten at Serpentine Sackler and Red 24

A touch of the Hamiltons
As promised a quick view on Helen Marten at Serpentine Gallery - the exhibition is called Drunk Brown House and it makes great use of the space in the Sackler Gallery.

As was noted in the blurb there's references to Richard Hamilton in the work but there's also some feminism mixed in there.

The exhibition is well staged and I like the use of the space but it doesn't excite (my) emotions.

It seems that Helen Marten works with others and there's certainly plenty of craft and skill on show.

Reminded me of a record turntable

London's Serpentine Galleries - check 'em out. 

Red 24

Of course kids love primary colours (who doesn't?)

Bright colours are inviting

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