Friday, January 06, 2017

What's Lost (6)

So another morning at the Design Museum, many of 'our' visitors are really charming and recognise that I'm there to help but (perhaps like me?) some though are fiercely independent and try to give the impression   that this is not their first visit and even if it was they've been to lots of places like it before and can manage just fine.

Typewriter - Once  like David Cameron  you were the future 

One of the things that I overheard visitors to Designer Maker User - the permanent collection on the second floor was how they were initially surprised when asked  about the nature use and mechanics of a typewriter  - let alone what it does/did.

There's a whole load of people who see this as a romantic object and the job of a typist is moving to that mythical territory that holds gas lighters, wheel-tappers and petrol forecourt people who fill your cars with 'gas'.


Funds and Finance 

It's £7.69 but what of purchasing power?
I do try and track what money I have and it's interesting to see UK shares are performing well - this though does not prove too much as pound falls against other currencies UK investments abroad become worth more but may buy less in UK if inflation takes off.

I'm not convinced by British Governments proficiency in business or economics and find myself somewhat concerned that still the mood music around extraction from the European mainland is about how lucky Germany is that we buy their cars, Italy that we buy  litres of  their Prosecco and so on - the truth of the matter is it's a two-way street and if you're predicting one side might be bloody minded it would be hard to imagine that it'll be the one against the 26.

Worries around a lack of passion from Mrs May are nothing compared with the meltdown of Labour under the present Momentum led agenda , oddly the poor performance of the left driven opposition may drive Labour politicians to consider  something like an electoral pact to ensure the possibility of total  Tory domination at the next election.

Front Doors

We're in W5 here 
I am  trying  to get a little more organised

So this is now number 6 at Windermere W5

Another door another waste bin

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